Team 2024

Building the Well is a team effort, there are a series of task that anyone from any age can get involved with!

Chair: Nick Ladd
Vice Chair: Mark Ireland-Jones
Secretary: Paul Fox
Minute Secretary: Anne Ladd
Treasurer: Sue Lloyd

Well Design: Joy Mason
Events: Andy Hibbert
Allotment: Rosie Potter

Building the clay frames

It will soon be time to dig the clay for Stoney well dressing. We need a few strong people as it is quite physical and dirty work – but it’s vital for the base for everything to come. If you would like to help please contact: 

Paul Fox – 07709 504772 or Andy Hibbert – 07969 786922 

Watch this space for the date and time, it is weather dependant.

Petaling and building the Well Dressings

The petaling takes place in the week prior to opening ceremony, we cannot start too soon or the clay will dry out!

You can come anytime to do petaling, there will usually be someone on hand to explain what to do, but instructions are on display. All ages welcome.

Monday 22 July – 10.00am til lateTent in churchyard
Tuesday 23 July – 8.00am till lateTent in churchyard
Wednesday 24 July 8.00am till lateTent in churchyard
Thursday 25 July – 8.00am till lateTent in churchyard
Friday 25 July – 8.00am till lateTent in churchyard


The shop is run by volunteers, please contact xxx if you are interested in volunteering, everything is priced up, we only take cash.

Any age from 16 upwards.

Saturday 27 July
(timings to be added)